

50 Days That Shook the World

Trump, Musk and Putin are replacing US democracy with oligarchy, kleptocracy—and non-stop corruption.

Assassination Coordinates

The true story of an armed assassin. Inspired by a terrorist leader. On a mission to kill an American President.

What's Wrong With This Picture?

Pedophile Ruben Verastigui was arrested on 5 February 2021. He was sentenced on 7 April 2022. Ronna McDaniel is still displaying the photo he took of her on the RNC website on 5 July 2023.

Celebrate, America!

With big wins on jobs, inflation, infrastructure, and more, Biden has restored America after the Trump disaster.

Real Moms of Tennessee

Since 2017, Moms for Social Justice has been fighting the good fight for equality and social justice. No wonder Moms for Liberty hate them

Cage Fights and Coups

When oligarchical fascists start fighting each other, the rest of us just watch and hope that (for once) they only inflict damage on each other.

Exposing Moms for Liberty

M4L claim they're not an extremist hate group. Meanwhile, they're palling around with the Proud Boys, whose chairman, convicted seditionist Enrique Tarrio, called them "gestapo with vaginas."

Teens for Literacy

Vicious political operatives like Moms for Liberty have supplied angry, intolerant parents with a simple playbook that has helped ban thousands of books. But fighting back is possible. And "a small group of high school students in a quaint South Carolina coastal town" are proving it.

Utah Bans The Bible

In Davis school district, elementary and middle schoolers will no longer have access to "pornography" like Ezekiel 23:20.

The Hills We Make Kids Climb

Amanda Gorman has a proven ability to inspire children—especially Black girls and boys—to read more and dream bigger. Why are DeSantis and Moms for Liberty attacking her?

Whitewashing Texas History

Houston billionaire J.P. Bryan has staged a "palace coup" at the Texas State Historical Association with a plan to remove from the influential Handbook of Texas details of the state's history of racial violence. I interview Texas historian Benjamin H. Johnson to find out what's going on.

Nikki Palin

Assuming sex predator Trump feels compelled to pick a woman as his running mate in 2024, Nikki Haley is the likely choice. The only problem: She's as psycho as the rest of them.