Trump Deserves the Royal Treatment

They both partied with Epstein. Shouldn't "King" Donald receive the same level of scrutiny as Prince Andrew?

Trump Deserves the Royal Treatment

Hillary had her emails.

Biden's old.

But what about the allegations that Trump is a child rapist?

I would suggest the vast of majority of voters across the political spectrum would agree with this statement: "Pedophiles are bad and should not hold positions of power."

Even Marjorie Taylor Greene pretends to agree with the idea.

And you can't call yourself a QAnon unless you want to wage war on pedophiles, not grant them immunity for their unofficial acts.

Yet for some reason the US media have shown only a passing interest in Trump's multi-year, joined-at-the-hip relationship with notorious sex trafficker and child rapist Jeffrey Epstein and his partner-in-crime Ghislaine Maxwell.

This media indifference comes despite a wealth of historic evidence about the dozens of times Trump crossed paths with Epstein and Maxwell in New York and Florida.

It's despite a steady drip-drip of revelations about Epstein's life and Trump's behavior before and after the period in which Epstein was known to be raping children.

It's despite the fact that Trump has been directly accused of child rape—with corroborating witnesses willing to confirm it.

As I tweeted on July 4:

Imagine how different public perceptions of Trump would be if the US media had taken the Epstein-related allegations against Trump half as seriously as the UK media took the allegations against Prince Andrew.

As the New York Times wrote in 2022, Prince Andrew drew "global infamy and revulsion over accusations that he raped a teenager in 2001."

"Andrew's indiscretions trump them all"

According to the Times:

The accusations against Prince Andrew surfaced in 2015 during a federal lawsuit against Mr. Epstein in Florida. One accuser, Ms. Giuffre, claimed that the prince had raped her when she was 17.

But Prince Andrew's relationship with Jeffrey Epstein had already been under a British media microscope since at least March 2011, when according to the BBC:

He came in for a steady stream of criticism over his friendship with US tycoon Jeffrey Epstein, who was jailed for sex offences. 

The fact that Andrew had stayed for three days at Epstein's NY mansion after Epstein had been convicted for sex offenses in Florida in 2008 didn't help.

Neither did a disastrous 2019 interview with the BBC's Newsnight.

In 2022, after a NY judge ruled that Virginia Giuffre's lawsuit against Prince Andrew could proceed, Andrew paid to settle the lawsuit.

Soon after, the Queen stripped her once-favorite son of his royal title and military affiliations, completely "removing him from official royal life."

As Antonia Georgiou wrote for The List:

Few royals have faced a downfall as epic as Prince Andrew. For all the scandals that have rocked the royal family, Andrew's indiscretions arguably trump them all. Seemingly overnight, the Duke of York went from a decorated war hero to a national disgrace.

Today, Andrew is the most unpopular British Royal, with an 8% favorability rating.

Meanwhile, Trump is getting the "Jimmy Savile" treatment

While Prince Andrew has been investigated aggressively by the UK media for years, Trump continues to be given a pass by US journalists.

I would argue that Trump's mid-1990s behavior deserves as much or more scrutiny today as the Bill Clinton-Monica Lewinsky scandal generated at the time.

Instead, allegations against Trump are being ignored by US media the way similar child rape allegations against entertainer Jimmy Savile were ignored for years by his BBC employers and others.

Like Trump, Savile was a psychopath and a gleefully public sex predator who used his celebrity status to get away with molesting and raping children and women for decades. Savile even surreptitiously groped one woman on live TV.

In a similar vein, Trump's uncontrolled private behavior also seeped into his on-screen persona. He once told Celebrity Apprentice contestant, 2001 Playmate of the Year Brande Roderick: "Must be a pretty picture, you dropping to your knees."

It was only after Savile's death in 2011 that his hundreds of victims were finally believed:

Those who did not come forward until decades after the attacks stayed silent for so long because they felt that, as Savile was a celebrity, their word would not be believed over his.

According to The Standard, a 2013 UK police investigation found that:

Savile sexually abused 450 people, 328 of whom were minors.

The Queen knighted Jimmy Savile 14 years after he sexually assaulted audience member Sylvia Edwards live on air.

Eleven years after Trump made his suggestive comment to Brande Roderick, SCOTUS has given him something a psychopathic predator values even more than a knighthood: the immunity once granted a King.

Before we make Trump a King, let's treat him like a Prince

Specifically, let's treat Trump like Prince Andrew—and investigate his association with Jeffrey Epstein with the same fervor.

One starting point: Prince Andrew's accuser met Ghislaine Maxwell while working in the locker room at Mar-a-Lago.

And it was a two-way street.

When Trump wasn't introducing Maxwell and Epstein to future victims at Mar-a-Lago, Epstein was bringing underage teens to meet Trump at his Florida home.

We know for sure that Trump was a frequent guest at Epstein's homes in New York and Florida over a multi-year period in which young girls were being groomed and raped.

We know that Epstein had at least 14 phone numbers for Trump.

We know that Trump flew on Epstein's jet at least seven times.

We know that in 1992, Trump and Epstein tricked "more than two dozen" girls and young women into flying to Mar-a-Lago thinking they were competing in a calendar girl competition, only to discover they were simply putting on a private show for the two older men.

We know that NBC News has footage of Trump and Epstein partying at Mar-a-Lago with cheerleaders for the Buffalo Bills in November 1992.

We know the worst allegations against Trump—including the alleged 1994 rape of a then-13-year-old known in legal filings as "Jane Doe" and "Katie Johnson" (corroborated by 2016 statements from "Tiffany Doe" and "Joan Doe")—happened not on "Epstein Island" but in Trump's own New York City neighborhood.

"Tiffany Doe"... said that she witnessed the rapes and procured the young girls for the parties, and "Joan Doe," a classmate of the victim... said she was told about the rapes during the following school year. Tiffany Doe said that Epstein and Trump knew that Johnson was 13.

We know Trump committed other sex crimes in NYC during that same period—including a violent assault on E. Jean Carroll at Bergdorf-Goodman, just across the street from Trump Tower in late 1995/early 1996. Trump was found liable for that assault in May 2023, in a verdict confirming the former President as an adjudicated rapist.

We know another Epstein accuser claimed that Trump had sex with "many girls" and allegedly dwelt upon how much he liked one girl's "pert nipples."

We know the 51-year-old Trump began a public affair with one of Epstein's teenage victims after she turned 20 in 1997.

We know that in 2000, a porter who worked next door to Epstein's New York mansion told a UK newspaper, admiringly: “I often see Donald Trump and there are loads of models coming and going, mostly at night. It’s amazing.”

We know the latest Epstein revelations (July 2024) confirm that, at a minimum, Florida prosecutor Alex Acosta knew Jeffrey Epstein had raped children as young as 14 when he offered Epstein a sweetheart deal behind the backs of Epstein's victims.

We know that while all this was going on, Trump was such a fixture at the Epstein home in Palm Beach that he grabbed his meals in the staff kitchen.

We know that Epstein massage client (and future Trump impeachment lawyer) Alan Dershowitz helped negotiate the "sweetheart" plea deal that protected Epstein's powerful friends, including Trump, from prosecution.

We know Trump seemingly rewarded Acosta for being such a sweetheart by appointing him to the cabinet position of Labor Secretary in 2017, a position for which Acosta was notably unqualified.

We know Acosta was forced to resign in shame in 2019 after Epstein was arrested.

We know Trump attorney general Bill Barr should have recused himself from anything related to Jeffrey Epstein based on his own dad's history with the sex trafficker. After all, it was Barr’s father who hired college dropout Epstein to teach math and physics at the elite Dalton prep school in NYC—a job that gave Epstein his entrée into New York society. 

We know Barr should have not allowed Epstein to be taken off suicide watch and should not have broken his promise to never leave Epstein unattended in his cell.

We know Barr ignored evidence that Epstein's apparent "suicide" might have been murder.

We know Epstein's brother has publicly stated that Epstein told him he had evidence that could destroy Trump.

We know Ghislaine Maxwell confirmed to a former 60 Minutes producer that Epstein had compromising videotapes of Donald Trump.

We know from the Maxwell trial that Trump-appointed FBI director Chris Wray allowed crucial Epstein evidence to "go missing."

We know Trump is an adjudicated rapist and self-confessed teen predator

We also know that the worst allegations against Trump occurred during Ivanka's teenage years, a period in which he was becoming more vocal about his incestuous lust for her.

We know that the year Ivanka turned 13, Trump asked someone: "Is it wrong to be more sexually attracted to your own daughter than your wife?" The year Ivanka turned 13 was the same year Trump allegedly raped 13-year-old "Katie Johnson."

We know that when Ivanka was 15, Trump was abusing his power as the owner of the Miss Teen USA pageant to creep into the dressing room to catch the contestants naked. As one teen contestant Trump ogled later told CNN: "Who do you complain to? He owns the pageant."

We know that in 2006, the same month Melania was giving birth to Barron, the 59-year-old Trump was telling The View he wanted to "date" his then 24-year-old daughter. Four months later, he told Stormy Daniels she reminded him of Ivanka. And then they had sex.

We know that, even inside the White House, Trump could not hide his lust for Ivanka, "talking about her breasts, her backside, and what it might be like to have sex with her." These remarks prompted chief of staff John Kelly "to remind the president that Ivanka was his daughter."

Trump told us in 2016 that "someone was doing the raping"

We know for sure that Trump is a dirty old man, a congenital liar, a serial adulterer, a pussy grabber, an adjudicated rapist, and a teen-obsessed creep with a weird, unshakable attraction toward his daughter.

We know that Trump has befriended and defended known rapists, pedophiles and sex predators for decades.

We know that no man is more inextricably linked to child rapist Jeffrey Epstein—in life and in death—than Donald Trump.

We know that Prince Andrew, because of his involvement with Jeffrey Epstein—and the media coverage it generated—can no longer become King under any circumstance. If he could, the British would revolt.

And we know that Trump, thanks to the Supreme Court's immunity ruling, now does have a chance to become America's King, despite that fact his alleged sex crimes are even worse than Prince Andrew's—and involve more and younger victims.

So please, dear media, stop waiting for Biden to mispronounce a word and help answer one most-important question: Is Trump a child rapist?

Before Election Day, shouldn't we know that, too?

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