Elon's War on America

As Musk's transgender daughter Vivian Jenna Wilson recently told NBC News, Elon is a "cruel" and "uncaring" person. In 2024, he wants the whole world to know it.

Elon's War on America

Elon Musk is a bad dad, a bad boss, and an all-around bad person.

On the dad front: He signed the papers to allow his trans daughter's gender transition. By all accounts, she seems happy with her decision and just wants to get on with her life.

But Elon became embarrassed.

He decided to rewrite history. He said he had been "tricked" into giving his approval. He's began lashing out at his daughter, and the people who had "brainwashed" her, and the "woke mind virus" he believes infected his child.

Instead of loving his daughter, he says his son is dead.

Instead of going to therapy to understand why he's such a bad parent, he bought Twitter for $44 billion.

Instead of taking responsibility for a personal decision he (an obscenely wealthy man with access to all the resources and advice the world could possibly offer) had chosen to make, he decided to launch an "all-out war" on his adopted home America.

(For those new to this newsletter, I'll add links to some of my previous articles on this topic below.)

Writing today for Framelab, LOLGOP reminds us that "Musk’s weaponization of Twitter in the information war worsens daily, using tactics pioneered by Trump."

Musk's sharing of a Kamala Harris deepfake was so egregious that it made the news, but "his nonstop braying of right-wing attacks on Democrats and the media has become so normalized that the press has stopped treating them as newsworthy."

Musk has manipulated the X algorithm to make sure his deceitful content gets seen far and wide—even beyond his now-193 million followers.

"Everything wrong about the site will be infinitely worse in October," warns LOLGOP, adding: "We have to expect an October Surprise every day of October, likely spread by Musk himself and fed to every user by any means he can engineer."

Here's what LOLGOP is advising:

In that vein, here are all the place you can find my "Daily Edge" content beyond X: https://bio.link/thedailyedge

When you are on X, beware of "Spamouflage"

Musk is not the only one spreading misinformation and disinformation on X, of course. He has empowered an army of Nazis, conspiracy theorists and extremist nutjobs to rejoin X after being previously banned from Twitter.

And as the New York Times reported recently (free link), the increasingly sophisticated Chinese "Spamouflage" operation is not only flourishing on the still-bot-friendly X platform, it's seeing its content amplified by the likes of recently reinstated Infowars disgrace Alex Jones.

Even when you're not on X, watch out for Elon's trickery

As reported in the past few days, Musk's "all-out war" on America is now extending to a new campaign to deceive and steal data from voters in swing states.

The PAC is now running ads on Google offering to help people register to vote. In some state that works fine.


For users who enter a ZIP code that indicates they live in a battleground state, like Pennsylvania or Georgia, the process is very different.
Rather than be directed to their state’s voter registration page, they instead are directed to a highly detailed personal information form, prompted to enter their address, cellphone number and age.
If they agree to submit all that, the system still does not steer them to a voter registration page. Instead, it shows them a “thank you” page.

Elon takes your data. What does he do with it next? Anybody's guess.

Back on X, his lies are getting more desperate and outrageous

Elon was "all-in" on the idea of Trump being invincible and inevitable—especially after Trump survived being shot at a MAGA rally.

But as the momentum has shifted to Kamala Harris, Musk is renewing his violent rhetoric. And, as he did with the Paul Pelosi conspiracy theory, he's jumping onto right-wing deceptions that feed the narrative he wants to promote—as when he gleefully spread transphobic misinformation about Olympic boxer Imane Khelif without waiting to verify easily verifiable facts.

As his transgender daughter Vivian Jenna Wilson recently told NBC News, Musk is a "cruel" and "uncaring" person.

In 2024, he wants the whole world to know it.

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Previous articles:

19 July, 2024:

Musk’s Marionette
The fact that Elon Musk will have a “Batphone” to a mentally feeble President with no core values who is willing to sell out America for personal gain should worry us all.

2 June, 2024:

All-In on Fascism
Obama-era Elon wanted to save the planet. MAGA-era Elon wants to rule the whole white world.

4 May, 2024:

Bastardizing the News
Musk has radicalized Twitter and amplified misinformation. Now he wants to poison news itself.

22 March, 2024:

Musk Madness
Is this really the man we want controlling our satellites, our space ships and our social media algorithms?

16 November, 2023:

“Unvarnished Antisemitism”
Musk endorses the conspiracy theory espoused by the Pittsburgh Tree of Life shooter.

5 September, 2023:

Musk and the Nazis
The world’s richest man is not anti-Semitic, he just blames the Jews for all his problems.

26 August, 2023:

The X-ecutions Begin
In July 2023, a Saudi Arabian Twitter user with only 9 followers was sentenced to death.

16 July, 2023:

Hate Pays
Twitter advertisers are now funding the most divisive and dangerous voices on social media

14 June, 2023:

“I Didn’t Believe This Was Real...”
No biggie. Just Elon Musk voicing support for a violent coup and the end of US democracy.

2 May, 2023:

The Bloke Mind Virus
Bill Maher tells the racist, misogynistic, journalist-censoring, authoritarian-loving billionaire destroying Twitter he’s doing an awesome job saving free speech

20 April, 2023:

Saudi Arabia’s Useful Idiot
Musk’s admission about Twitter’s falling value would alarm most investors. But $1.9B is chump change for the Saudis—a small cost to kill Twitter.

11 February, 2023:

Elon’s Neo-Nazi Super Bowl Party
Twitter’s Dark MAGA owner is cashing in on hate during TV’s biggest live event

19 May, 2022:

Dark MAGA Musk
The Tesla CEO is using his heightened Twitter fame to help normalize far-right extremism

8 May, 2022:

Musk’s Misogyny
As women’s rights take center stage, is Elon Musk equipped to lead “the digital town square where matters vital to the future of humanity are debated”?

2 May, 2022:

Twitter’s New Trump
Musk grew his Twitter following even faster than he multiplied his Covid-era wealth. And he did it by acting like a Trump parody account.
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