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Meidas Touch is out with a new ad—airing in Texas, no less—that slams Trump as a “disaster,” hitting him hard for mocking the disabled, praising racists, attacking the military, protecting criminals, sympathizing with child sex traffickers, and even attacking the Portland Moms.
But 30 seconds just isn’t enough to explain all the ways Trump is destroying America. After three and a half years of Trump’s utter incompetence and non-stop corruption, the USA has become both a laughing-stock and a disaster zone. In a new analysis of 35 OECD countries, America ranks a humiliating 34th out of 35 for raising a family, earning ‘F’ grades for Safety, Cost, and Time factors, with a D- for Health.
Beyond what’s covered in the Meidas Touch ad, here are 10 more examples of Trump’s broken promises and colossal failures:
- Instead of the jobs he promised, Trump has presided over one of the worst economic disasters in American history. Since he became President, Factcheck noted on 17 July: 7.8 million jobs have been lost — including 7,100 coal mining jobs and 274,000 manufacturing jobs.
- Instead of the “phenomenal” healthcare and insurance for everybody that Trump promised, we have an out-of-control pandemic caused by a total failure in public health leadership, surging hospitalization rates, a growing death toll—and the introduction of Trump death panels.
- Instead of reducing the $19.9 trillion debt he inherited to zero within 8 years like he promised, Trump’s broken promises and failed policies ballooned the annual deficit and sent the total debt soaring to $24 trillion in his first three years. The Trump Crash of 2020 has exploded the debt further, to the current $26.5 trillion.
- Instead of the “skyrocketing” 6% economic growth Trump promised that his tax giveaway to corporations and the already-wealthy would deliver, we are experiencing an 8% crash in GDP—even as Europe and Asia, under more competent leadership, suffer far less.
- Instead of protecting Medicare and Social Security, Trump announced on Fox News in early March (i.e. even before the crash), that those programs would be cut if he won re-election. If Republicans retain power in 2021, it’s a given that those cuts will be even more brutal than Trump imagined just a few months ago.
- Instead of making our cities safer, especially for minority communities, Trump has doubled down on racist rhetoric and racist policies—while failing to contain a deadly and economy-crushing pandemic. All of which has set the stage for the worst social unrest and urban crime statistics in years. Under Obama, Trump blamed violence in cities on the President. In 2020, he says the buck stops elsewhere.
- Instead of the cleanest air and water, Trump has delivered environmental devastation—with deregulation that benefits corporate polluters while hitting vulnerable populations especially hard. As the New York Times reports, these rollbacks “could significantly increase greenhouse gas emissions and lead to thousands of extra deaths from poor air quality each year, according to energy and legal analysts.” While most of the world agrees we need urgent action on climate, Trump has delivered the opposite: polluted waters, dirty air and extreme heat, all contributing to an increase in wildfires, hurricanes and other dangerous weather events.
- Instead of rebuilding manufacturing like he promised, Trump’s idiotic trade wars and tariffs plunged the US manufacturing sector into a recession for all of 2019, setting the stage for the Trump Recession which began in February of this year. As noted above, more than a quarter of a million manufacturing jobs have evaporated since Trump took office.
- Instead of protecting “the gays” like he promised he would, Trump has waged an all-out war on the LGBTQ community in schools, in healthcare, in housing, in the workplace, in the judiciary, and around the world. According to Human Rights Campaign president Alphonso David: “The Trump-Pence administration is the most virulently anti-LGBTQ administration in decades.”
- Instead of fighting corruption, Trump has abandoned any pretense of draining the swamp. He’s just filling it with bigger reptiles. As Robert Weissman, the president of ethics watchdog Public Citizen puts it, “One of the overarching narratives of the Trump administration is the total handover of the levers of government to corporations, and particularly the empowering of corporate representatives to oversee the very companies they worked for.” Even the worst pandemic in 100 years didn’t slow down Trump’s relentless self-dealing, emoluments and ethics abuses.
The list could, of course, go on. Because the reality is Trump has failed America every way imaginable. November can’t come soon enough. But it’s still a long way off. Trump’s attacks on the Constitution and our democracy will only escalate. So if you haven’t already done so, please read my recent interview with election security advocate Jenny Cohn to learn the best ways to cast—and protect—your vote while you still can.
One 4-year-long disaster movie is bad enough. We don’t want to endure a sequel.
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