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Imagine being the worst President ever, presiding over the worst economy ever.
As 2020 began you were already a global laughingstock—made to dance like a puppet by Putin, humiliated repeatedly by Kim Jong Un, treated as a clown by the U.N. General Assembly.
Impeached by the House over clear, proven crimes, you were acquitted in the Senate after a sham trial by “jurors” who had promised in advance to ignore the evidence and who refused to call any witnesses.
And then, when the pandemic began, the whole world saw that you were as absolutely useless as you had appeared—truly, unrelentingly incompetent, totally devoid of empathy, and completely unable to absorb basic facts and information about the challenge at hand.
It’s now August. You’ve overseen the worst coronavirus response of any developed nation, leading America to the number one position in death, even as other countries (many of them female-led) used both science and compassion to crush the COVID-19 curve, protect nursing home populations and re-open schools and economies safely.
Last week, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and a deep bench of talented Democrats embodied and articulated all the strengths America needs right now—from basic decency and compassion, to intelligence and understanding, to strength and resilience.
Biden knows how to fix the country. But you, the current IMPOTUS, are in a hole and you just keep digging.
The death toll is mounting.
According to Worldometers, only nine countries in the world have more than 25,000 coronavirus deaths. Only four have more than 50,000. Only two have more than 100,000. Only one has more than 125,000. Tens of thousands more.
The U.S. coronavirus death toll is now more than 180,000—that’s 66,000 more than Brazil, the country with the second-highest death toll. And there’s no end in sight. The latest projections indicate more than 300,000 will be dead before the end of November.
This was an avoidable disaster. You ignored the warnings in January. You partied and held fundraisers and rallies through February. You lied about testing in March and kept telling us you had everything under control. You promised in April that the final death toll would be below 60,000. Then you golfed in May as the death toll crashed through 100,000. In June, it seemed that you had simply given up. By July, “death panels” had come to America. By August it was clear that trusting you as our leader was the “pre-existing condition” that had made COVID-19 more deadly in America than in any other country.
The despair is growing.
Early on in the pandemic, you abandoned nursing homes, embracing the new “pro-life” GOP idea that letting old people die for Wall Street was just fine.
But now it’s clear that your casual attitude about young people getting the Corona “sniffles” has backfired, too. There’s no national plan to open schools and colleges. More and more young people are catching the virus. And those young people are emerging as the “main spreaders,” ensuring that more parents and grandparents will get infected and die in the weeks and months ahead.
Your failed response is causing anxiety for parents, teachers and school employees across America, plus the tens of millions of elderly and at-risk Americans who remain isolated and afraid. And your failure is exacerbating America’s mental health crisis, leading to more deaths driven by addiction and despair.
The devastation is unprecedented.
The way you brag about the economy that existed before the pandemic is pathetic. It’s like George W. Bush trying to tell us he kept us safe from terrorists until September 10.
You inherited a growing economy. You goosed it with tax cuts for the already-wealthy. But you exploded the deficit while failing to deliver any of the growth you promised. 2019 was weak. And 2020 was always going to be much weaker, even before COVID-19.
Your failure to get the virus under control has caused unprecedented economic devastation from coast to coast. Small businesses are failing. Millions have lost jobs. The unemployment rate is now above 10%. For Black Americans it’s close to 15%. Thirty million Americans don’t have enough food to eat. Almost as many live under the threat of eviction.
The disasters just keep coming.
Like your lies and your corruption, your failures are historic. And they affect the whole planet. Your attacks on America’s air and water have been a tragedy. The damage you have done to Mother Earth will hurt us all for years to come. Even as farmers complain about the devastating effects of climate change and brutal weather events like this month’s derecho, massive wildfires have consumed more than a million acres in California. And, as your convention begins, two named storms, Laura and Marco, are creating an unprecedented disaster in the Gulf of Mexico.
No record to run on. No ideas to offer.
Under your leadership America is a failed state. Your unbuilt wall has been both a sham and a scam. But meanwhile, because of your disastrous leadership, the world has built a wall around us.
You are the President of Death, Despair and Devastation. You have no record to run on. No ideas to offer. Your party of treacherous enablers can’t even be bothered to offer a platform for how it would govern if you do somehow cheat your way to a second term.
Welcome to your Failure Convention.
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