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When I wrote about “Covid Criminals” Greg Abbott and Ron DeSantis just one week ago, I didn’t think either of them could possibly get worse.
Silly me.
I’ve written two articles about DeSantis recently (you can read those here and here), so I’ll use this post to focus specifically on Neanderthal Thinker Abbott.
The thrice-vaccinated Regeneron-using Governor has bounced back from last week’s Covid infection with a powerful new message. Unbelievably, it’s not one that promotes the value of vaccines. In fact, it’s the exact opposite.
Today, the Texas Governor banned vaccine mandates of any kind.
Having previously banned vaccine mandates in Texas on the rationale that the infection-preventing, hospitalization-reducing, life-saving Covid-19 vaccines were being administered under an Emergency Use Authorization, Abbott is now saying he was only joking.
Because following FDA approval of the Pfizer vaccine, he’s issued a new EO banning mandates for fully approved vaccines, too.
Abbott’s decision to encourage further disease spread by suspending sections of the Texas Health and Safety Code comes despite a recent analysis by the Commonwealth Fund that showed that, through July 31st, his failure to get Texas vaccinated at a pace similar to other states caused more than 193,000 new cases, more than 32,000 unnecessary hospitalizations—and 1,910 preventable deaths.
Abbott has already created a crisis in Texas hospitals. So much so that, according to Forbes, members of the North Texas Mass Critical Care Guideline Task Force have already met to discuss, “the worsening Covid crisis in the area, and… the possibility that doctors might need to use Covid vaccination status to prioritize care in extreme scenarios.” As reporter Nicholas Reimann writes:
If North Texas starts running out of ICU beds, doctors may have to consider coronavirus vaccination status as a factor in who gets priority care—a situation health officials hope to avoid but worry is becoming increasingly likely—with the vaccinated potentially being prioritized for treatment on the assumption that they’re more likely to survive.
Instead of devoting himself to helping his state through a public health crisis he has created—one that has catapulted Texas past hard-hit New York in total Covid-19 deaths—Abbott is doubling down on the insanity, even at a time when the price of being unvaccinated could soon be a denial of hospital treatment.
The Trump Death Panels first came to Texas last summer.
In August 2021, when most Covid-19 deaths could now be prevented by an FDA-approved vaccine, it’s only fair to call them the Abbott Death Panels.
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