Russia Hacked to Help Trump Cheat. Again.

And now selectively leaked--and possibly forged--documents are back in the headlines

Russia Hacked to Help Trump Cheat. Again.
Photo by Taskin Ashiq on Unsplash

Same star. Same villain. Same script.

Back when Season Two of “Trump for President” got underway, Trump kicked things off by reprising one of his fan favorite moments from Season One: He publicly invited foreign governments to help him cheat his way to victory by digging up dirt on his chief political rival, played this season by Joe Biden. As regular viewers know, accepting such foreign help is totally illegal—a fact VP Mike Pence previously made clear in this Season One highlight:

In January, we learned that Trump’s Kremlin puppet-master Vladimir Putin was, indeed, eager to sow as much confusion in 2020 as he did in 2016.

The Hacking of Burisma Set It All in Motion

January was when we found out that Russia had hacked Burisma, a company “at the core of a political controversy that might further divide the US and aid Donald Trump’s reelection campaign.”

The news was met with a collective yawn at the time. And amid all the Covid death and economic devastation that Trump’s recklessness and incompetence has caused in the months since, the “Hunter Biden scandal” was largely forgotten.

But as Andy Greenberg wrote in Wired:

The next step in the Kremlin playbook is very likely another round of selectively leaked documents aimed at swaying the 2020 election result. The possibility raises a tough question: Did the US learn anything from the last round? Or are voters—and the media—as susceptible as ever to a well-executed Russian influence operation?

In February, I described how, in relentlessly smearing Biden during the Democratic primaries, the media and the GOP were gladly doing Putin’s “Dirty Work” for him.

Now it’s October and guess what? The media, led by The New York Times’ “MAGA Haberman,” are just as susceptible as ever—and more than willing to be used as tools in the Kremlin disinformation campaign.

The NY Post has a front page story and the Trump campaign is already running ads about what is, of course, a “Nothing-Burger.”

The story is false and has previously been disproven.

The “Smoking Gun” is neither smoking nor a gun.

If you take one step back, it’s actually quite pathetic that the President who promised to “Make America Great Again” is basing his closing argument on Hunter Biden.

But that’s all he’s got. As president, Trump has failed in every conceivable way.

We shouldn’t be surprised that he’s closing with these sad, easily disprovable smears. In 2016, Trump’s final TV ad was about Huma Abedin’s emails being found on her husband Anthony Weiner’s laptop. And it worked.

Trump has no plans. He can’t discuss policy. He’s too scared to debate Biden even as he tweets juvenile memes saying that his rival belongs in a retirement home.

Trump is lazy and he’s stupid and he’s learned absolutely nothing as president. He’s the same dumb-ass Fox News viewer he was four years ago.

And Vladimir Putin is once again eagerly trying to help his Useful Idiot cheat in a Presidential election.

The difference this year?

If Trump and Putin succeed, it could be the last attempt at a “democratic” election the country ever sees.

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