Polls as Psy Ops

To counter the #BlueWave, the GOP is "flooding the zone with shit polls," hoping to depress Dems and fuel MAGA election denial

Polls as Psy Ops

For anyone with half a brain and an ounce of compassion, recent polls would be enough to make you despair about the future of the country.

Do conservatives in Georgia really love Herschel Walker MORE for every secret child he admits to fathering and every abortion he paid for with a check nestled inside a “Get Well Soon” card?

But hold on.

This new Georgia poll from “Amber Integrated” (who?) in Oklahoma (?) doesn’t even spell “Hershel” correctly.

As Simon Rosenberg notes on Twitter this morning:

In GA last 5 “A” rated independent polls have (Raphael) Warnock up an average of 3.2 pts, and he leads in every poll.

In October Rs have dropped 15 different polls by *10* different pollsters. The last 5 of these have (Herschel) Walker up 4.4 pts.

In Rosenberg’s words, the GOP is “flooding the zone w/shit polls” at a time when Democratic turnout—and unexpectedly long lines at early-polling locations—is giving lie to the corporate media narrative of a swing to the GOP.

Women, minority voters and young people are all showing up to support the Biden agenda, reclaim their bodily autonomy, make sure their vote is not suppressed, and demand more tolerance for their LGBTQ friends and family.

Seniors are showing up to tell the GOP to keep their soft, uncallused hands off the Social Security they paid for.

And the early vote data is only getting more encouraging for Democrats.

This election is America’s last chance to say no to fascism and yes to saving the planet.

The polls don’t matter.

Only votes matter.

And, as Michael Moore told Ari Melber this week: “There’s more of us than there are of them.”

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