

50 Days That Shook the World

Trump, Musk and Putin are replacing US democracy with oligarchy, kleptocracy—and non-stop corruption.

The Failure Convention

The President of Death, Despair and Devastation asks America for four more years

What's At Stake

Watch the Obama speech that Professor Laurence Tribe calls "the best of his career."

Killed by Trump

“His only preexisting condition was trusting Donald Trump," says Kristin Urquiza, whose dad died in Arizona of COVID-19

The Planet After Trump

A Q&A with award-winning journalist Charles Alexander, who edited Time's 1989 "Planet of the Year" report

The Hits Keep Coming

Humor can help us through, but we need to be deadly serious about defeating Trump

American Tragedy

"Builder" Trump promised to make America great. He turned it into a demolition site.

Is Trump a Fascist?

I ask Ruth Ben-Ghiat, historian and scholar of fascism, how scared we should be

Trump The Disaster

After less than four years of Trump, the only things America leads in are death and devastation

The Portland "Gestapo"

Federal stormtroopers are being deployed to fight America's graffiti crisis

Hacking Our Democracy

Trump, Putin and Karl Rove are uniting to attack this year's election. I ask election security advocate Jennifer Cohn what's happening and what can be done.