

The Rapeublican Party

Under Trump, a party that claimed to care about family values has been transformed into one that fully embraces sexual exploitation and violence.

American Psycho

The lives of you and your loved ones mean absolutely nothing to our Used-Car-Salesman-in-Chief

Is Rape in Trump's DNA?

Given a chance to prove his innocence, the President acts like a man with something to hide

He's 75

But that doesn't stop Trump from live-tweeting conspiracy theories from OANN

Glorifying Violence

Trump quotes 1960s racist police chief in threat "to bludgeon and kill black people."

Trump Owns This 100%

We have a death toll per capita 60X higher than South Korea's. It didn’t need to happen. And there’s no else to blame.

Playing Through

US death toll nears 100,000. Cadet Bone Spurs enjoys some Memorial Day golf.