

50 Days That Shook the World

Trump, Musk and Putin are replacing US democracy with oligarchy, kleptocracy—and non-stop corruption.

The Economy Trump Built

If it was the greatest in history like he says it was, why did it collapse even before the pandemic hit?

Girls Really Rule!

An interview with SHERO editor Amee Vanderpool, aka Twitter's @girlsreallyrule

The Terrorist President

Trump is now a Super Spreader not just of misinformation, but of the disease itself

Trump Has Covid

And many people are asking: How do you trust a President who lies all the time that this isn't a hoax?

Keeping Hope Alive

An interview with Clay Rivers, founder and editorial director of Our Human Family

What Trump Fears Most

Is our failed, incompetent, ignorant President about to get the TV humiliation he deserves?

The Frantic Psychopath

"We need to prepare ourselves for even more outrageous assaults," says clinical psychologist Vince Greenwood, Ph.D.

A Moment of Grief and Terror

“My most fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new president is installed," Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Jonestown, USA

This time the cult leader's Kool-Aid is airborne: "You just breathe the air and that’s how it’s passed."

The Crimes of Donald Trump

You don't have to buy Michael Cohen's book to know Trump's the most crooked President in history.

Diagnosis: Psychopath

A clinical psychologist explains the one disorder that trumps all others

Trump's Big COVID Lie

Trump didn't shut it down coming in from China. And he lied and golfed as the virus flew in from Europe.