

50 Days That Shook the World

Trump, Musk and Putin are replacing US democracy with oligarchy, kleptocracy—and non-stop corruption.

"Who Cares?"

The latest Trump administration revelations show the sociopathy behind Trump's "it is what it is," and Jared Kushner’s "that’s their problem" Covid mentality.

The Parler Problem

Conservative losers don't want "free speech." They want fact-free speech.

Georgia Leech

Pandemic profiteer Kelly Loeffler is so corrupt even Judge Jeanine and Tucker Carlson have called her out.

Scenes From the Celebration

November 7, 2020: Photographer Eric van den Brulle captured the mood in Brooklyn as Biden's victory was declared.

Trump Is The Fraud

The world's most famous fraud is always quick to project his crimes onto others.

The Biggest Loser

Staring defeat in the face, aging pervert Donald Trump exposes himself as the pathetic whiner he really is.

The Decency Election

Re-electing a morally bankrupt pig of a human being sets a bad example for America's children

The Real "Hunter" Scandal

Donald Trump, Jr. went to Mongolia, illegally slaughtered a rare and majestic animal, and used his political influence to stay out of prison.