

The Rapeublican Party

Under Trump, a party that claimed to care about family values has been transformed into one that fully embraces sexual exploitation and violence.

American Tragedy

"Builder" Trump promised to make America great. He turned it into a demolition site.

Is Trump a Fascist?

I ask Ruth Ben-Ghiat, historian and scholar of fascism, how scared we should be

Trump The Disaster

After less than four years of Trump, the only things America leads in are death and devastation

The Portland "Gestapo"

Federal stormtroopers are being deployed to fight America's graffiti crisis

Hacking Our Democracy

Trump, Putin and Karl Rove are uniting to attack this year's election. I ask election security advocate Jennifer Cohn what's happening and what can be done.

He Went to Jared

Amid failure and scandal, the attacks on #TraitorTrump are coming from all sides: Here are the latest examples.

"Complacency Kills"

Reflecting on an Unprecedented six months—and what's ahead