

50 Days That Shook the World

Trump, Musk and Putin are replacing US democracy with oligarchy, kleptocracy—and non-stop corruption.

Caught On Tape

Business leaders are admitting the real cause of consumer inflation: corporate greed

Give Thanks to Flight Attendants

An interview with Nas Lewis, founder of th|AIR|apy, a nonprofit organization focused on the mental health and well-being of Flight Attendants.

Democrats Deliver

After a YUGE October jobs report, Nancy Pelosi delivered a massive infrastructure victory that will benefit all 50 states for years to come

What Can We Do About Guns?

An interview with Shannon Watts, founder of Moms Demand Action, part of the 6-million-strong Everytown for Gun Safety


As COP26 begins, the world is nowhere near where it needs to be in cutting emissions

The "Pro-Life" Death Cult

At the personal, state and national level, Republicans know exactly what they are doing

Foreseeable Threats

"The prudent see danger and take refuge, but the simple keep going and pay the penalty"—Proverbs 27:12

The Man Who Killed "Crossfire"

Jon Stewart is back. He's bringing jokes. But comedy is not where the strength—or the potential—of his new show lies.

Fox News at 25

How "disgusting pig" Roger Ailes launched a network and stole an election

Texas v. Women

"Men, especially of the religious and sexist variety, should not be writing laws governing women's bodies," says Lindy Li

Children Get It.

In Alabama, they understand the pandemic better than their parents, says psychologist Alan Blotcky.