50 Days That Shook the World
Trump, Musk and Putin are replacing US democracy with oligarchy, kleptocracy—and non-stop corruption.
Trump, Musk and Putin are replacing US democracy with oligarchy, kleptocracy—and non-stop corruption.
One million dead. More than 614,000 grandparents lost. How Trump and the GOP sacrificed seniors and minorities to Covid. And what happened next.
In Year One of Covid, Trump's recklessness and incompetence put America on the path to 1,000,000 dead.
Bad news for Roger Stone: His Oath Keeper bodyguard just pled guilty to seditious conspiracy and is cooperating with prosecutors
As Ukrainians fight for their lives, it's time to permanently remove pro-Putin propaganda from US military bases
GOP book bans are "a form of censorship... specifically aimed at the lived experience of racial and sexual minorities," says PEN America's Jonathan Friedman
By refusing to take even basic steps to fight inflation, Republicans are declaring war on American families
In case you needed any more more proof that Fox News is rooting for America to fail...
Biden's "game-changing" infrastructure investments are making America "safer and stronger" say enthusiastic GOP Congresspeople
There were 825,000 new cases on Friday and a one-day death toll of 3,866, but whatevs.
As the Florida Governor sells fake "freedom," California Governor Newsom highlights the devastating human cost
"This was the greatest jobs growth year in modern American history, and it’s not even close."
Greg Abbott told Texans he was "pro-life" as he led them to the slaughter
Biden's done an outstanding job. But the GOP and Fox News are making sure that democracy’s still bleeding to death as the planet keeps getting hotter.
Fox News is turning a season of love, friendship and healing into one of ignorance, animosity and disease
An interview with the Twitter user behind the ever-growing list of #RepublicanSexualPredators