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Talk about "a sight you can’t unsee.”
Donald Trump’s undisciplined, meandering, and extremely low-energy RNC Convention speech proved once and for all that Trump, despite multiple efforts to make him do so, simply cannot change.
No one can tell us he simply had a bad night
Why? Because most of the bullshit and bile that came out of his mouth has poured out of it before.
Trump is what he is. An over-confident con artist. A lazy performer who’s unwilling to update his material. And a psychopathic liar who will say anything to get what he wants.
We know that he is undisciplined, as when he went off script to do his rally “bit” about Hannibal Lecter being a wonderful man, in reference to the cannibalistic and psychopathic fictional serial killer.
He also showed his lazy approach to politics and his “go to” way of winning people over through bribery when he told the crowd of out-of-towners in Milwaukee that holding the convention in Wisconsin was an attempt “to buy your votes.”
Even if he can’t change, he can definitely deteriorate
More than anything, we saw confirmation last night that Trump's age and mental decline have made him a much-weakened figure.
Given all his dementia risk factors and his years-long history of mixing up names and words, those around Trump, and probably Trump himself, understand that his neurological and cognitive decline is a reality.
That’s why his medical records are never released. And that’s why the right-wing media focus has for years been redirected to Biden’s own age-related mental status.
This kind of projection reflects a familiar playbook. The relentless attacks on Biden's senility are strikingly similar to the false attacks on Hillary as a pedophile sex trafficker in 2016.
When seniors get as mentally weak as Trump is, they become far more open to manipulation
Suddenly, it seems, nefarious tech bros and evil billionaires are swarming all over the diminished but still-desparate-to-stay-out-of-prison Trump with YUGE cash contributions and SuperPAC support. The contributions have only increased since Trump explicitly told Big Oil executives he was expecting bribes and his second term would be strictly pay-to-play.

Foreign-born Proud Boy billionaires Peter Thiel and Elon Musk told us they were standing back, but not standing by this election season. Both said they would not endorse or fund either candidate. They lied.
Musk has already built a highly problematic "industrial complex." And he's done it on the ideas of others, the backs of American workers, with massive funding from American taxpayers. In addition to making exploding cars, he's also running our spy satellites, launching spaceships, and personally manipulating a very important social media algorithm.
For his next act, he wants to create a new and potentially world-controlling superintelligence.
It’s because of Musk that Trump is talking about AI and its energy needs at the GOP convention. It’s because of his former PayPal partner Peter Thiel that J.D. Vance, an open-source AI enthusiast, is Trump‘s new running mate. (Even as many experts warn that open-source AI is "uniquely dangerous" to our national security.)
Musk is currently building his new "anti-woke" and open-source AI company with massive funding from the butchers of Saudi Arabia. In fact, Musk is now getting so much funding from the oppressive Saudi regime that Jared Kushner must be jealous. (And like Trump and Kushner, Musk doesn't care if the Saudis execute people.)
A different kind of coup
As Stephanie Ruhle said on MSNBC this week, the tech world's evil billionaires "want to go from having ultimate wealth to having ultimate power."
The benefit for the billionaires willing to fund fascism is, says Ruhle, that Trump was once and will be again, a "transactional president." But as Trump's mental decline accelerates, he will not simply be corrupt and transactional, he will be controllable.
The fact that Elon Musk will have a "Batphone" to a mentally feeble President with no core values who is willing to sell out America for personal gain should worry us all.
Because in 2025, Trump will not simply be Putin’s puppet. He'll also be Musk's marionette.
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