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Just a quick note this morning to highlight two powerful new videos that launched on Twitter last night. Both hit Trump hard for the historic death and destruction he has caused through his bungled handling of the coronavirus pandemic. Separately, they turned the hashtags #TrumpKillsUs and #EndTheNightmare into trending topics on Twitter.
The first video, from Meidas Touch, a brash new PAC that has quickly earned a reputation and an audience for its hard-hitting anti-Trump videos, accuses Trump of “mass murder on a national scale,” based on the definition of murder as “the crime of unlawfully killing a person especially with malice aforethought.”
The YouTube version of the video is at the top of the page. The video can also be seen and shared on Facebook and Twitter.
“End The Nightmare”
The second video is by the Really American PAC, which appears to have been around since 2016. It has a big but dormant Facebook page. But on Twitter in 2020 it has truly found its voice with the “End the Nightmare” video:
I wanted to give these two videos an extra “bump” this morning, following another Trump Super Spreader Event last night, this time in the growing COVID hotspot of Arizona. As Trump returns to the campaign trail, he is clearly banking on “coronavirus fatigue” numbing voters to the ever-growing death toll he has caused. He’s also hoping to motivate his base and distract the rest us from his Administration’s daily scandals by generating wall-to-wall coverage of his tired, dumb, racist and “controversial” comments.
His schtick worked in 2016. We can’t let that happen again.
Videos like the ones above are effective because they juxtapose Trump’s most deluded utterances with images of the exact horrors he wants us to look away from. They serve as powerful reminders of Trump’s astonishing lack of empathy, his almost unbelievable stupidity—and his absolute failure to lead in this moment of historic crisis.
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