Even Republicans Can't Take Much More

Why #ByeDonJr is trending this morning—plus new ads from Lincoln Project and Republican Voters Against Trump.

Even Republicans Can't Take Much More

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I wasn’t planning to send out a new issue today, but three new ads lighting up Twitter this morning are too good not to share.

#ByeDonJr, the latest from @MeidasTouch, captures the hypocrisy, stupidity, and nepotism—and constant projection—of the Trump family in a very strong and very powerful way. It has racked up 3.8 million views on Twitter overnight. Their YouTube description sums it up:

Whenever he opens his mouth, it isn’t that Don Jr. is so much speaking, as spewing hate and conspiracy garbage from his face in failed effort to win his daddy's praise while demeaning the intelligence of Americans.  Everything Don Jr. says is a projection to cover up the criminal activity he and his family engage in on a daily basis.

The other two ads come from anti-Trump conservatives.

The Lincoln Project is contrasting the courage of #BlackLivesMatters protesters with the spinelessness of Senate Republicans:

And Republican Voters Against Trump are out with their hardest-hitting ad yet (which contains profanity):

Jeffrey is telling a personal story, but it sums up why America cannot take it anymore. Republicans cannot take it anymore. Millions with pre-existing conditions cannot take it anymore. Parents cannot take it anymore. Hopefully, we will end the nightmare in November.

But, as my last issue made clear, we can take nothing for granted.

These are troubled times. And the election is less than four  months away. The disaster we are living through will only get worse if  Trump is re-elected. This ad-free email newsletter will  continue to  deliver news and arguments to fight back against Trump’s endless lies  and non-stop corruption. All posts will be free through election day, so whether you’d like sign up for $0—or support with a paid subscription (at 20% off in July)—just click  here:

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