Democrats Deliver

After a YUGE October jobs report, Nancy Pelosi delivered a massive infrastructure victory that will benefit all 50 states for years to come

Democrats Deliver

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Remember when TFG told us he would create 25 million jobs in four years and be the best infrastructure President in the history of the universe because was such a terrific “builder.”


TFG fell 28 million jobs short of his promise—actually costing the US economy three million jobs over four years, making him the worst President for jobs since Herbert Hoover.

As for infrastructure?


TFG was such a disaster, that after Mexico laughed in his face, he couldn’t even build a border wall using money he stole from military families. His humiliation on infrastructure was so complete that his repeated “Infrastructure Weeks” continue to be a running joke—a shorthand that sums up the one-term loser’s legacy of absolute, corruption-riddled failure.

So much winning.

Friday started on a high note with a YUGE jobs report that reinforced how completely Biden has eclipsed TFG on jobs.

A massive, estimate-smashing jobs gain of 531,000 in October means that in just nine months, Biden has created 5.6 million jobs—or 8.6 million more jobs than TFG created in four years.

Job growth over the prior two months, August and September, was updated to show gains of 250,000 more jobs than previously thought.

Unemployment, which was 8.8% when America voted one year ago, has plunged to just 4.6%—a level the nonpartisan CBO previously thought couldn’t be reached until the end of 2023:

The day ended with Nancy Pelosi passing, in bipartisan fashion, a massive and historic $1.2 trillion infrastructure deal that will, says the White House:

… rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind. The legislation will help ease inflationary pressures and strengthen supply chains by making long overdue improvements for our nation’s ports, airports, rail, and roads. It will drive the creation of good-paying union jobs and grow the economy sustainably and equitably so that everyone gets ahead for decades to come. Combined with the President’s Build Back Framework, it will add on average 1.5 million jobs per year for the next 10 years.

When it comes to infrastructure, Biden has achieved in nine months the kind of  massive, bipartisan success that eluded prior administrations. As The Washington Post reports, it’s an agreement that will “make major investments in all 50 states for years to come.”


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