Deadliest. Viral. Campaign. Ever.

21,731 Floridians died so Ron DeSantis could sell idiots this T-shirt

Deadliest. Viral. Campaign. Ever.

Unprecedented is an ad-free newsletter dedicated to exposing the dangerous lies, stupidity and corruption of today’s GOP. It’s FREE to read and subscribe, although if you’d like to select a paid subscription, I certainly welcome the support.

It’s November 2021.

We have vaccines.

We know about masks and social distancing.

We have more and better treatments.

Yet despite all that, the “GOP Death Cult” and its deadly War on Science continues to ensure that tens of thousands of Americans are getting infected each day. And the lies and misinformation promoted by the GOP’s leadership continue to send thousands upon thousands of Americans to unnecessarily early graves.

Nowhere is that more apparent than in Governor Ron DeSantis’ Florida.

Covid-19 deaths in Florida have soared 56% since July 12.

On 12 July 2021, the day Governor Ron DeSantis started selling “Don’t Fauci My Florida” T-shirts and other dickish merchandise on his campaign website, 38,687 Floridians were already dead from Covid-19.

As of today, 12 November, that number is 60,418—reflecting 21,731 additional deaths, an increase of 56%, in just four months.

Put another way, Ron DeSantis has allowed more people to die of Covid-19 in Florida (population 21.6 million) since 12 July than have died in Japan and South Korea (combined population 177 million) over the entire duration of the pandemic.

Of course, the Republicans who told you Obama did a terrible job during the H1N1 pandemic that killed 12,469 Americans between 2009-10 still want you to believe DeSantis is doing a terrific job during the Covid-19 pandemic. The latest conservative media spin is that because of DeSantis’ “leadership,” Florida now has the lowest Covid-19 case rate in the country.

It’s factoid that conveniently ignores the fact that “Regeneron Ron” turned the summer of 2021 into a unrelenting season of death for Floridians, sending the state’s Covid-19 death toll soaring to nearly 5X the total nationwide death toll from H1N1.

Last month The Guardian reported that, following a 6-month investigation, a Brazilian Senate committee had voted 7-4 to recommend that president Jair Bolsonaro be criminally indicted “on charges ranging from charlatanism and inciting crime to misuse of public funds and crimes against humanity, and in doing so hold him responsible for many of Brazil’s more than 600,000 Covid-19 deaths.”

In a saner country, after a summer surge that skyrocketed Florida’s per capita death rate to the same level as Brazil’s, Ron DeSantis should be facing his own charges for crimes against humanity. Instead, he remains a frontrunner for the GOP’s 2024 nomination.

Republicans are just suckers for viral marketing.

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