Bully Without a Pulpit

America needs a leader. Cadet Bone Spurs is tweeting from a bunker.

Bully Without a Pulpit

It’s one week since George Floyd was murdered by former Minneapolis cop Derek Chauvin.

America’s coronavirus death toll has surged past 100,000.

Unemployment claims have surpassed 40 million in just 10 weeks.

Protests against police brutality have taken place in all 50 states.

Some of the protests have turned violent.

The National Guard has been activated in 21 states.

Joe Biden went out to talk to—and empathize with—protesters.

Where’s “Bunker Trump”?

In the past week, Trump has taken two trips to Florida to watch space rockets take off.

He’s quoted a 1960s racist police chief in a threat to shoot Americans that Twitter hid from users for “Glorifying Violence.

He’s made an insultingly dismissive call to George Floyd’s family.

He’s ignored evidence that white supremacist groups are inciting violence and looting.

He’s attempted to label Antifa “a terrorist organization.”

He’s told “Democrat” governors they need to “get tough.”

He’s hidden in the White House bunker.

While America burns, he’s literally turned the lights out at the White House.

These are troubled times.  And the election is still more than five months away. Things will only get worse if Trump is re-elected. This ad-free email  newsletter will continue to deliver news — and arguments — to fight back  against Trump’s lies and corruption. If you’d like to sign up for  future FREE updates —or support with a paid subscription—click here:

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